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Entries in Iowa (1)


Suddenly Santorum (now hoping the money comes in)

Rick Santorum's surprise showing at the Republican Iowa caucus and his prospects for competing in New Hampshire, switches focus to the dollar figure his campaign has spent; finance folks like to bandy about those ROI (return on investment) numbers factoring the investment value of each vote.

This kind of talk illustrates what fundamentally afflicts this country's decision making when choosing its decision makers. Now that Santorum's campaign is suddenly competitive the question becomes, will he or won't he raise the cash to remain viable beyond this Iowa surge?

Why couldn't the good citizens of New Hampshire, or of any other state, muster a broad enough voting presence that forces the millions in big dollar donations into political irrelevance?

What the 'free speech' of wealthy campaign donors ultimately represents is a built-in voter apathy that tilts electoral politics into the 1%'s favor. Voters should view Rick Santorum's unlikely success as what is possible when a plurality of citizens casts aside prevailing thought to cast their vote.